Glitch trigger

A special case of pulse width trigger is glitch trigger. In general glitch is a short pulse disturbance of uncontrolled parameters.

Glitch synchronization is pulse trigger of the width which is less than the sampling period. In Aktakom ACK-3102 virtual oscilloscopes with 1T option the maximum sampling frequency in real-time is 100 MHz, thus, the synchronization in this mode is possible with pulses with minimum width less than 10 ns. Trigger can be both positive pulse and negative one.

Algorithm of glitch trigger mode

Pic.1. Algorithm of glitch trigger mode.

The feature of this synchronization mode is that the trigger pulse will be invisible on the oscillogram because it’s so short that falls between two adjacent samples. Synchronization pulse (glitch) width is less than 10 ns and this pulse is not displayed on virtual oscilloscope screen but forms a fixed image on it.

The example of such image is shown below.

Glitch synchronization mode for Aktakom virtual digital oscilloscopes

Pic. 2. Glitch synchronization mode for Aktakom virtual digital oscilloscopes.

Synchronization pulse (glitch) width is less than 10 ns and this pulse is not displayed on virtual oscilloscope screen but forms a fixed image on it.

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