Aktakom Smart Data Logger (ASDL)

Aktakom Smart Data Logger (ASDL)
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Compatible with: 
ATE-1033BT Thermo-Anemometer. Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-1034BT Hot Wire Anemometer, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-9538BT Environment Meter, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-9030BT Sound Level Meter with Bluetooth interface
ATE-2036BT Thermometer, Real Time SD Memory Card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-5035BT Humidity and Temperature Meter, Real time SD memory card Datalogger with Bluetooth interface
ATE-3012BT Oxygen Meter with Bluetooth interface

For Android™
Supported OS: Android 4.0

Retail price: $29.00

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Aktakom Smart Data Logger (ASDL) software is designed for data reading received from AKTAKOM ATT and ATE series devices, measurement data acquisition, its processing, displaying, including graphs, and saving to a mobile device with Android 4.0 or more advanced OS version.

ASDL software provides automatic detection of an active Bluetooth device or USB – RS-232 interface converter used to connect the measuring device to a mobile device (with Android OS), as well as the readout of the transmitted data. There is data processing available for up to four channels. The measurement data transmission automatically results in the real-time graphs with automatic scaling. The software is capable of recording measurements with further ability to read the saved file. The absence of any connected devices leads to the demo mode activation. It allows user to see the application functionality or to access the previously recorded data files. In the settings menu you may set the measurement intervals and hold the data reads (HOLD function).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I download Aktakom application?
  • Why does Aktakom application close right after the launch?
  • How can I change the temperature unit?

  • How can I download Aktakom application?

    You need to take the following steps to download the application:

    1. Visit www.tmatlantic.com from your mobile device with Android OS
    2. Find the application page on the web site
    3. Click “Get it on Google Play”


    Why does Aktakom application close right after the launch?

    This may occur if your mobile device doesn’t have a user account on Google Play. The license approval is impossible on such a device and therefore the application gets closed.

    How can I change the temperature unit?

    The programm displays the temperature in those units set in the device. The device settings procedure can be checked in the User Manual. As usual the settings can be changed as follows (we take Aktakom ATE-5035BT humidity/temperature meter as an example):

    • Before changing the measurement unit you need to deactivate 2 functions: “Hold of the current value” and “Max/Min value”.
    • Keep “SET” button pressed for minimum 2 sec. until you see “Code” symbol at the bottom of the LCD.
    • Release “SET” button, you will see “1000” displayed at the top.
    • After you see both “Code” and “1000” symbols press “ENTER” to activate the function of the measurement unit change. “ESC” button will return the device to the standard measurement mode.
    • Using “SET” button set “°F”. Then press “FUNCTION” button to change the measurement unit. If you see “0” displayed at the top after you pressed “FUNCTION” the measurement unit will be “°C”. If after pressing “FUNCTION” there is “1” symbol displayed that means the measurement unit will be “°F”.
    • After you set the required measurement unit press “ENTER” in order to confirm and save the setting. “ESC” button will return the device to the initial state.


    RESERVADOS TODOS LOS DERECHOS. El software AKTAKOM™ está protegido por leyes y tratados internacionales y federales sobre derechos de autor. Se prohíbe cualquier copia, reimpresión o uso no autorizado de este material. Ninguna parte de este software puede ser reproducida o transmitida de ninguna forma o por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, incluyendo fotocopias, grabaciones o por cualquier sistema de almacenamiento y recuperación de información sin el permiso expreso por escrito del autor / editor.

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AKTAKOM™ software is protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized copy, reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this software may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

    Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

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