Company news


FAQ: Is the AKTAKOM APS-3320 power supply protected against short-circuiting?
05/20/2024 | 1626

AKTAKOM APS-3320 is a single-channel DC power supply with an adjustable current limit. APS-3320 provides accurate stable DC power with low noise.

New video: Power Supply with Voice Guide Software, Troubleshooting LED Stip
05/17/2024 | 1796
There is a new video available on T&M Atlantic's YouTube channel - Power Supply with Voice Guide Software, Troubleshooting LED Stip. This video showcases practical application of Aktakom Power Manager Software.

New online tool - Pi Attenuator Calculator
05/14/2024 | 1700
T&M Atlantic introduces a new online tool - Pi attenuator calculator - to quickly determine the value of resistors in a Pi attenuator circuit.

Hot Tweezers Tips Set
05/09/2024 | 1944
Tweezers can be used for a variety of reasons such as PCB repair and microelectronics, where precision-pointed tweezers are required. Many people use the same tweezers for a range of jobs in assembly, servicing, and repair, but there is no denying that, for holding small electronic parts, tweezers are essential. A full set of replaceable tweezer tips for ASE-1209 is now available in the accessories section of our website.

T&M Atlantic introduces Ohm's Law Calculator
05/07/2024 | 944
T&M Atlantic introduces online Ohm's law calculator to help you find the relationships between electric current (I), voltage (V) and resistance (R) across a given conductor. This tool allows you to calculate power (P) as well.

Aktakoms Best Remote Controlled Models with Voice Guide are Now in Stock
05/06/2024 | 1541

Best Selling Aktakom Power Supplies APS-7306, APS7306L/LS, APS-3320, APS-3320L/LS, APS-7205 Now available in stock for fast delivery

New on the site - LM317, LM350, LM338 Voltage Regulator or Current Limiter Calculator
05/03/2024 | 3663
T&M Atlantic introduces the online calculator to quickly determine the resistor value required to use the LM317 / LM350 / LM338 as a voltage regulator circuit or current limiter circuit.

How can SMD components be removed with AKTAKOM ASE-1209 Soldering Tweezers?
05/02/2024 | 2005
AKTAKOM ASE-1209 ESD Soldering Tweezers are perfectly suitable for mounting on several types of soldering stations. These tweezers have the following parameters: power voltage is 24V and the consumed power is 100W, temperature range is 200…480 °C.

New on the site - High Pass Filter Calculator
04/29/2024 | 3536
High pass filter calculator is an easy-to-use tool to quickly determine the cutoff frequency of a low pass passive filter. A low pass filter removes higher-frequency components from a given AC signal. This calculator allows you to choose filter circuit: RC filter or RL filter.

Precision manual cutter with oval profile Tronex 5523
04/25/2024 | 1364

Tronex Large Oval Standard Handle Cutter 5523 is a general-purpose cutting tool. They are often used for cutting cables and in wire harness work. Relieved head allows for access underneath objects. Large oval head cutters have more head material for greater cutting capacity.

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